Wednesday, May 24, 2006

So it's finally thus..
managed to sneak back for an afternoon nap yest....
ha...going to do a physicial examination edmo today....and best...rhemato system....
it's basically a head to toe ortho exam actually...

the docs and students here actually don't do system based PE...
they generally do like whole body...the hospital clerking sheet style..
good and bad la huh... :)

and ya...because they do a lot os caring for patients...they're very good at real life practical problems...
but they don't do much PE...

hmm....'s a fre photos again

Ok that's me in my room...small little old old room...unlike some other people's one

Tha't angela with the train we took to rui sui :)...
not bad la...seats quite spacious to do our daily progess notes


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