jingsiyu 静思语

Friday, June 30, 2006



Tuesday, June 27, 2006



Monday, June 26, 2006

Joke of the Day

Haa...okiez..something less serious for the day...

Once upon a time, there lived this couple who are in their fifties.
They were happily celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary when a fairy appeared.

Fairy: We are very happy that both of you have had a blissful 30 years and has therefore decided to grant you 3 wishes to add to the joy of this wonderful occassion.

Husband: Great! Let me make a wish 1st!!
I wish for a mountain of gold coins!!

Fairy: Alright, wish granted!!

Wife: Okiez, it's my turn now!
I wish for a diamond!

Fairy: Easy!

A diamond as huge as the soccer ball appeared sparkling away.

Husband: Dear, will you be sweet enough to let me have the 3rd wish?

Wife: hmm...alright...

Husband: I wish for a wife thirty years younger than me!!!

With a poof, the fairy turned the man into an eighty years old man!

hhaha...moral of the story??



Sunday, June 25, 2006



A peaceful mind is a blessing.
The ability to work is also a blessing.
Happiness is a blessing.
Broadmindedness is also a blessing.

Saturday, June 24, 2006



A resolution must be expressed with actions, not just words.

Friday, June 23, 2006


信佛不是信一个偶像, 而是信仰佛陀的人格,在反观自性,相信自己与佛陀有同等的毅力 -- 人人皆有佛性,只要肯用心,人人都可发挥真如本性。

Wednesday, June 21, 2006




Each time we forgive others, we are, in fact sowing blessings.
The more magnanimity we show,
the more blessings we enjoy. =D

Last bit of updates

hmmm..not sure if anyone is still reading..haha..but thot just upload some photos at e end of our trip to tie up the loose ends kinda stuff...haa..

map of taiwan...see where's hualien?

our vegeterian lunch..yummy rite? ... ... and the canteen where we eat =)

who's next to be accupuntured???haa
the magnificent hall of 静思堂

a bus stop at kao shiung

argh..getting irritated trying to upload the pics...cos my 56k modem is not cooperating...keep having error..sianz...
so that's all e pics i can upload within my patience limit for now..haha

anyway...must share this lesson with u guys..

well..this was how it happened...
at the check in counter...my huge baggage turned out to be overweight despite one nite of packing...sob sob....so no choice....had to take out more stuff to stuff into my backpack...
so in went the bag that contains my SWISS ARMY KNIFE...
"hey knife, y din u make some noise when i packed u in unintentionally??" sigh...

anw...all was well until my backpacked was scaned at the customs..."ti ti ti...."
"ms, you've got a knife in your bag."
what???? how can that be...but it was true...sharks...20mins b4 the plane takes off...now wat??

argh...ya...anyway...the customs ppl obviously wont let me take my knife onto the plane....
and we cant get out of the immigration counter just like that to DHL my knife..
and...jet-star being a budget airline has NO service...so the knife has been kindly adpoted by china airlines...haha..hope its temporary...i want my knife back!!! *boo hoo hoo*

thankfully heaven has been protecting me during my trip to taiwan...and i believe he will cont to do so...so i managed to contact norman..yes..the cute little boy..who happened to be taiwan to help me bring back my knife...hope he can bring it back safely... =D

A HUGE THANK YOU NORMAN!!! are u reading this..haa..

oh ya...i'm getting used to life back here..but i do miss the mountains of hualien...sigh...y are there no mountains in s'pore...
so refreshing to look at the mountains every morning while walking to the hospital...
and during the boring ward rounds...haha...

okiez...that's abt it..hee..
oh ya...do rem to check in all dangerous objects ok?? =P

Monday, June 19, 2006

wat's jingsiyu?

hey guys..wondering if there's anyone still reading the blog??

if have, i'll post my other stuff here..ahha..

anw...think u guys have been wondering wat's jingsiyu rite??
it actually stands for 静思语!!! anyone got it rite?? haha..
anw, 静思语 are words of wisdom that master cheng yan says every morning...which are her 座右铭. they are real nice to read and meaningful...

eg: 看别人不顺眼,使自己修养不够。

cool rite?? got lotsa more interesting ones to share..rem to ask for em!! haha

tata..let me know if anyone is still reading ok?

Monday, June 05, 2006

Pebble filled beach

Hi guys...

We went to the beach this sunday...haha...but there was no nice grainy sand..like those at sentosa...its filled with pebbles of all shapes and sizes..haha..and if u picked the blackest or ugliest of them all, u may find some precious stones in it..haha...that's wat one of the shop owners told us when we went to shop for stones here....

The coastline with grey "sand".

Volcanic lava which formed part of the coastline.

hmm..ya...the east coastline is supposed to be very scenic...hmm..but guess the cloudy day sorta spoilt it..so the fotos din turn out to be very pretty either..sigh...n the mosquitoes were ferocious..got more new bites all over me *bleah*
looked as if i have some skin disease or something...haha...but the driver that drove us there got this special native herb remedy for all sorts of crap..haha...n it works on my bites!!!
.....but only for a few hrs...its itching again...disturb my sleep last nite...*grouchy*

okiez..so we saw the ocean park..the coast line from ba xian dong, this bridge with 8 "gongs" at san xian tai..( think the pic will tell wat a "gong4" is..)...err..big stones...with waves splashing onto em...eroded cliffs...blah blah blah...prefer the mountains and the valleys..haha

One of the "gongs" 拱 / curves can be seen here...

oh ya..we got to know an ang mo (american) who's here to learn chinese...during the trip to Liyu Lake where we watched the not so exciting dragon boat race...haha..and we asked him along to the trip...hee..so cheaper...haha..brought him ard to eat n walk walk..

Our ang mo fren..tall n lanky..hmm...y only half of me in the pic..tsk tsk

n this morning..a swedish girl joined us for our TCM clinic sessions...hmm..she's a 3rd yr..n its her summer break now...i wld have prefer to play thruout the break...haha...she's a particular eater i must say...din like the breakfast served at the cafeteria or the tai yang bing that's was free to take in the dept meeting rm..haha...
we brought her out to lunch...and are going to bring her to the city centre later...hmm..looks like hualien tourism board shld pay us or at least give us some credit for bringing the ang mos ard...hahaz..and asking to the ang mos to spend more here since they find things here so cheap...haha...

hmm..1st day of the last wk in hualien...going to miss this place...dun mind working here..ahah..less stress, more respect and money...hahaha...and so peaceful....jing si tang is a really nice place to just sit down to read n sip some tea...hmm..though the tea is real ex there i must say...haha...
so that's y haven been there to read n sip tea...

alrite...guess this is my input for the day..

jia you to the guys out there taking supp!!!
we are all behind u ok? cheerios!!! =D

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Explorer Error

Windvane making session....ha..i was the photographer ...

Doctors, nurses and policeman...what do you wanna be??

One reason why i love apples(computers i mean) is that apples almost never ahve their software crashing with errors when i've finish typing everything.
yes...my very long blog entry was almost done with the phtos nearly all updated when internet explorer crashed...
sigh...nvm...take it with ease i shall...
shall give a brief recount of what i've said
1) thank my dear sis serli for setting my the tag board..sweet of you
2) thank jol for her idea of the tag board

3) went to li yu tan on wed(public holiday for dumpling day to watch not very exciting dragin boat race

4) learning TCm and how to accupunture now.
already started accuputring ourselves and even real patient....
will learn 5 imprtant things OA, intelligence, tiredness, stress and...can't rem the last one..
oki..library clsoing so some photos..